
 Crypto is an international rupee. It was created in 2009. People buy it in the form of coins in some country. Big businessmen transfer their rupees like this. If you earn more such coins, Jain, you would earn a lot more in rupees. There are many such platforms on the internet in which this is the motive.Crypto currency is used in the

 international market, this is available in the form of Bitcoin, earlier its price was not so much but now its price is very high when it was newly introduced in 2009, the whole situation, what is this thing, go and find out its price today, we people remember that if only we had used it earlier, today we would have enjoyed, now what is the use of knowing it, its importance is very high at the international level, if it is present with more people, if it is sent, at least three to four lakh rupees can be earned, the one who uses it like this, he knows its value  It is known otherwise nowadays nothing is valued. Earlier also people used to look at it with very bad eyes. Today go and see it. Today see where international marketing crypto currency is worth how much is common currency. If you change it, whoever has more dollars gets spoken about. In the olden days, with the help of coins they used to do business. But the sad thing is that nowadays it is not valued at all. Dollar is given importance but no one gives importance to these coins. In the olden days, it used to have a lot of importance. In the times of Maharaja Raja, business used to be done in this.  They used to make money, with the help of these diseases people used to become rich, wouldn't they, but nowadays it is just putting it in, there is no importance, not a bit, it is a matter of great regret, I myself have thought about it, if crypto currency is converted into common currency then how many will be made, lakhs and crores will be made, let us all together increase the importance of this currency and take crypto currency forward, this dollar should be abolished, when our currency and crypto will meet in the office, then think about how high our currency will rise and how much the importance will increase, till today due to dollar, these dollars have caused a lot of harm to the currency of the people  Because of this many countries have already suffered losses. We all should come together instead of dollars, do our business in crypto and increase its importance so that our currency also grows much ahead, its importance increases. We should remove dollars, instead of that we should do business in crypto currency. When we all together do business in crypto, we will benefit a lot. Our currency will benefit. Our country will benefit. If we start using dollars, our currency will come down. Our master will suffer losses. But what is the benefit? I am all of you, let us bring our country towards crypto currency so that our country can progress.  Because our rulers do not think about us, for their own benefit we cause losses to the people for dollars, due to this our currency falls drastically, all of us people should come together towards crypto, then our progress will be possible, our country will have trust in Turkey, investments will come from all over the world and we will move forward